Dementia Trials Ireland

To enable every person in Ireland, living with, or at risk of developing dementia, access to clinical trials

I am a person with a dementia diagnosis or a caregiver for someone with dementia

I am curious about dementia and would like to learn more

I would like to set up a clinical trial

I am an industry professional


I am a member of the DTI Network Executive Committee

I am a member of the Dementia Network Steering Group

I am a member of the Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) Panel

I am a member of the International Scientific Advisory Board


About Dementia Trials Ireland

Dementia Trials Ireland aims to improve the lives of individuals at risk of, or living with, dementia. We will do this by conducting high quality, internationally recognised, clinical trials throughout Ireland addressing important and common problems.

Dementia Trials Ireland (DTI) has been funded for five years by the Health Research Board (HRB).

The objective of DTI is to significantly develop and expand the current small dementia clinical trials portfolio to include studies of diverse types.  These trials will include proof of concept to implementation; non-pharmacological to pharmacological approaches, suitable for all stages and all sub-types of dementia.

Our studies will apply different methods, including imaging, biomarkers and neuropsychological methods to assess healthy volunteers, carers and people with dementia.


About DTI

I am PPI, We are PPI

News & Updates


DTI Summer 2024 Newsletter (Issue 3) Out Now!

DTI’s Summer 2024 Newsletter (Issue 3) Now Available for download: Summer2024 In this edition: DTI News Round Up We ask: Is Ireland research ready? Focus on: The Advent of DMTs for…

DTI Winter Newsletter 2023

Dear All, Welcome to the Winter 2023 edition of Dementia Trials Ireland’s Network Newsletter. In this edition, we shine a spotlight on the successful delivery of the first clinical trial…
DTI Early Career Research Development Award 2023

DTI 2023 Early Career Researcher Seed Funding Awardee

Dr. Patrick Crowley, MUH and UCC, Cork Dementia Trials Ireland are delighted to congratulate Dr. Patrick Crowley on his recent success in being awarded the network’s 2023 Early Career Research…

DTI Feature Article: The Medical Independent

DTI HRB CTN is featured in an extensive article in the October edition of The Medical Independent. Thank you to our Network Members, PPI panel and all who support our…